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Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Art of Falling

Via Neatorama, similar pictures as posted earlier from Li Wei:
The Art of Falling:

"Photographer Kerry Skarbakka explores the falling human body in a set called The Struggle to Right Oneself. You’ll look at these and ask, “How did he do that? And how bad was he hurt?”

Using myself as model and with the aid of climbing gear and other rigging, I photograph the body as it dangles from dangerous precipices or tumbles down flights of stairs. The captured gesture of the body is designed for plausiblity of action, which grounds the image in reality. However, it is the ambiguiy of the body’s position in space that allows and requires the viewer to resolve the full meaning of the photograph. Do we fall? Can we fly? If we fly then loss of control facilitates supreme control.

The photograph that first grabbed my attention was Skarbakka falling in the shower, but you’ll have to look for that yourself because it’s a nude. Link -via reddit